Sunday, April 30, 2006

John (who needs freedom of speech?) McCain

Read here about who does not support the First Amendment.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Gasoline Prices

In a free market the price of gasoline is determined by the economic law of supply and demand. If supply exceeds demand, the price goes down. If demand exceeds supply, the price goes up. The entire civilized world (and I use that phrase in a loose sense) is demanding so much gasoline that it puts enormous pressure on the ability to supply that desire.
Now will you please explain to me that while we cry out for cheaper gas, we allow both Republicans and Democrats to make it unlawful to explore and drill for oil on our Atlantic coast, Pacific coast, the east coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and ANWR?
Help me out here.
Ann Coulter weighs in.
"I would be more interested in what the Democrats had to say about high gas prices if these were not the same people who refused to let us drill for oil in Alaska, imposed massive restrictions on building new refineries, and who shut down the development of nuclear power in this country decades ago. But it's too much having to watch Democrats wail about the awful calamity to poor working families of having to pay high gas prices. Imposing punitive taxation on gasoline to force people to ride bicycles has been one of the left's main policy goals for years. For decades Democrats have been trying to raise the price of gasoline so that the working class will stop their infernal car-driving and start riding on buses where they belong, while liberals ride in Gulfstream jets... The Democrats' only objection to current gas prices is that the federal government's cut is a mere 18.4 cents a gallon. States like New York get another 44 cents per gallon in taxes. The Democratic brain processes the fact that 'big oil companies' get nearly 9 cents a gallon and thinks: WE SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT MONEY! When the free market does the exact thing liberals have been itching to do through taxation, they pretend to be appalled by high gas prices, hoping the public will forget that high gas prices are part of their agenda." —Ann Coulter

Kimberly Guilfoyle

This recent addition to Fox News Channel is scary! Every time I see her on the tube I wonder why she isn't wearing thigh high boots, a black corset, long latex gloves, and sporting a riding crop. Some/most of my friends and detractors say I am overly sensitive. You decide. Read her biography.

Flight or Fight?

Let me preface this by stating that I am not a psychologist. Reason is not the exclusive domain of either shrinks or preachers.
Some Americans are saying that they won't go to see United 93 because it is "too soon". Why do so many humans believe that if they stop worrying about or ignoring a problem it will go away and in its place will be sunshine, lollipops, and everything that's beautiful? Let's take look at our flight or fight reasoning.
If one encounters a momma bear and she expresses her displeasure with one's presence, a decision must be made, and quickly. First,(a) why is she threatening? Next,(b) is there a snowball's chance in Hell of overcoming her? Finally(c) what is the most reasonable course of action? Answers...(a) she wants to protect her cubs,(b) maybe so maybe not, and last,(c) well, this one is more difficult. Should a person just put this out of mind and continue on as if everything is normal? I think that would be tantamount to suicide by bear. It is probably best to slowly back away and get to safety. But if she persists and pursues one, then it is most likely best to take a high-powered rifle and shoot at her center mass.
Terrorists are the bear. Twisted Islam is the cubs. Since Muslim terrorists pursue death, our death, we have no choice but to kill them.
Some people need to be reminded every day. Go see the movie and stop pretending everything will be fine.

Friday, April 28, 2006

From The Nose on your Face

Apparently those White House reporters who demanded CNN be available to them between inane comments and questions have other issues.

This is funny!

United 93

This could be one of the most important films of our time. Click here for more.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Perplexed and ...?

Is there anyone else out there who has a problem assimilating the name of musician Yo-Yo Ma and the expression "Yo Momma"?
Just curious.

The Duke Rape Case

Okay, the bleeding hearts have convinced me. Whether or not the two accused young men are innocent or guilty is superfluous to the presumption that if they go free on the merits of the accusation, then countless other victims of similar crimes will be hesitant to report them.
If these men must sacrifice their freedom and lives, so be it. It is more important that feelings, self-esteem, and empowerment be revered above all else. Justice is an antiquated concept buried in the bowels of the "living" document we call the United States Constitution.
We must remember that the collective is far more important than the individual. Praise to those who rightly claim that people are too weak on their own to demand any God-given right. Power to the people!
Now I feel uncomfortable. Who can I sue?

Abolish FEMA?

An Associated Press release today reports that a bi-partisan Senate panel recommends that FEMA be abolished and replaced by a new authority that would be "better equipped with the tools to prepare for and respond to a disaster," said Sen. Susan (my voice alone conveys consumate leadership) Collins, R-Maine, one of the stars of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
There's a great solution! Let's get rid of one giant bumbling government bureaucracy and replace it with a new giant bumbling government bureaucracy.
I have an idea, why don't we abolish FEMA and let the individual States prepare for their own damned emergencies?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Government School Story
Having landed a job as a first grade teacher in a predominately Democrat school district, Miss Jones thought that she would poll her students.
"I'm a Democrat," she announced. "How many of you are Democrats?"
Every hand in the classroom shot up... save one.
"Why, Susie, if you're not a Democrat, then what are you?"
"I'm a Republican," replied Susie, proudly.
"And why are you a Republican?" asked Miss Jones.
"Well, ma'am, my mommy's a Republican and my daddy's a Republican, so I'm a Republican!"
"But, Susie," said Miss Jones condescendingly, "just because your parents are Republican doesn't mean you have to be as well. What if your daddy were a thief and a liar, and your mommy were a prostitute?"
Raising herself out of her chair, Susie looked at her teacher square in the eye and said, "Then I'd be a Democrat!"
Random Thoughts
I'm undecided about Fox News. Molly Henneberg or Patti Ann Browne? Which one is more drop-dead gorgeous? And Rebecca Gomez. And Laurie Dhue. I'll stop now. Where's Linda Vester?
Godspeed, Tony Snow. I hope those pompous MSM types grovel at your feet.
Jay Leno wonders if it is possible to get twelve million people out of the country. After all, Mexico did it.
Someone once wondered that if we should be moderate in all things, then should we be moderate in our moderation?
I read somewhere that the French have hundreds of WWII vintage rifles for sale. They were never fired and only dropped once!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Illegal Invasion, continued
Now, let's enforce the law. Let us arrest, prosecute, and imprison anyone who hires an illegal alien and pays them. No work, no reason to be here, right? The exception to this line of reasoning is the professional criminal illegal alien, e.g. drug smugglers. They don't give a rat's patoot about actually working for a living. How's this for a scenario? If you are illegal and are caught by U.S. authorities with a substantial amount (maybe a milligram) of a banned substance, you are imprisoned and after serving your sentence you are deported back to your country of origin. Do it again and you are a dead man walking.
Illegal Invasion
If someone enters a country without the permission of that country, he/she is "illegal" and by definition a criminal. What a simple concept! In the United States of America the cost of criminality is having to be subject to the law. The laws are already in place. Enforcement of the law is a different kettle of fish. If a citizen enters the property of his neighbor, and refuses to leave, he may go to jail, be fined, and may end up in prison. On the other hand, if one enters the United States uninvited and steals resources from us, we offer sanctuary and the carrot of future citizenship. If that illegal alien issues a child while in the U.S., then the child is automatically a citizen (oh, never mind that pesky part about "jurisdiction" in the Fourteenth Amendment). more later...