Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Government School Story
Having landed a job as a first grade teacher in a predominately Democrat school district, Miss Jones thought that she would poll her students.
"I'm a Democrat," she announced. "How many of you are Democrats?"
Every hand in the classroom shot up... save one.
"Why, Susie, if you're not a Democrat, then what are you?"
"I'm a Republican," replied Susie, proudly.
"And why are you a Republican?" asked Miss Jones.
"Well, ma'am, my mommy's a Republican and my daddy's a Republican, so I'm a Republican!"
"But, Susie," said Miss Jones condescendingly, "just because your parents are Republican doesn't mean you have to be as well. What if your daddy were a thief and a liar, and your mommy were a prostitute?"
Raising herself out of her chair, Susie looked at her teacher square in the eye and said, "Then I'd be a Democrat!"

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