Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Common Sense from ABP

“What a cowardly display of total ignorance of the World at large James Baker and company display in this report. At no time in the last 30 years has there been either a negotiation or agreement with the Palestinians, Iranians, and Syrians that has worked in any meaningful way. The Palestinians have violated every ‘treaty’ they’ve ever reached, the Iranians don’t negotiate, they threaten and create terrorism Worldwide, and the Syrians just follow Iran’s lead while holding a death grip on Lebanon in violation of yet another ineffective resolution from the UN. What’s worse: all three groups are getting increasing support from Russia and China, who both would like nothing better than to make life hell for the US without having to do it themselves. In a world that increasingly requires the aggressive threat and/or use of force against people who have only death and destruction in mind, this report is an absolute prescription for suicide. The President shouldn’t even bother to use this report as toilet paper: it’s complete rubbish.”

Read it all.