Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Better Question

Many of us (you know who you are) realize that Liberals like often to cower behind empty rhetoric. One device they repeatedly us when confronted with a well thought out interrogative is to divert away from it with a verbal tap dance.
Just once I'd like hear a conversation similar to this:
Interviewer: "Why shouldn't Congressman Numbskull be held to the same standards under the law as any other American?"
Interviewee: "A better question is blah, blah, yada."
Interviewer: "I didn't ask you for a "better" question. I asked you my question, which requires a simple answer that even you should be able to comprehend. Incidentally, to comprehend means to understand. To understand means to "copy" in your vernacular.
Interviewee: "What's vernacular?"

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