Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Kerry Interview

"Buckley F. Williams: Senator Kerry, thank you for taking the time to sit down with me.We here at The Nose On Your Face were very fortunate to sit down with Senator John Kerry. I know how busy you are.
Senator John Kerry: My pleasure.
BFW: Clearly there is one question that is on everyone's mind at this time: is the correct spelling "c-a-t-s-u-p" or the more commonly seen "k-e-t-c-h-u-p"?
SJK: Interestingly enough, both of these spellings are considered improper in the industry today. In deference to our Muslim friends we have changed it to "Q-'-a-t-s-u-p". Furthermore, it is now considered good form to kneel and bow towards Heinz corporate headquarters when smacking the heck out of the bottle to try and get the Q'atsup flowing.”

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