Monday, October 30, 2006

I Think, Therefore I Am...I Think

Things I Know

It is never a good idea to fry chicken while shirtless.

I hate getting up at one AM to set the clocks forward/back for daylight saving/standard time.

It is obviously racist to name the shortest month of the year (February) "Black History Month".

Remember not to judge your fellow man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Then go ahead because you have his shoes, and he’s a mile away. (I can’t remember whom I stole that one from.)

My neighbor weighs in with “i before e, except after c”. I suspect he's right.

We reward “second-degree” murderers with a lesser sentence simply because of their incompetence.

Men are always going to look stupid as long as there are remarkably intelligent women like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Lynne Cheney in the world.

"Balderdash" and "hornswoggle" are two of my favorite words.

It makes perfect sense that a politician will spend twenty-million dollars to get a job that pays him $100,000 a year. (Paraphrased from Charles Barkley.)

One should either write numerical values as '1,2,3' or 'one, two, three'…never both in the same sentence.

Steroids are an abomination for professional athletes. Lasik surgery is perfectly acceptable.

I not only know all the words to the Beatles' classic "
I Am the Walrus", but also understand them, and try to live my life by them.