Saturday, October 14, 2006

Testing, testing

Official School of Hard Knocks Test
(Do not click on a link until you have answered the question, slime ball!)

1. What was Stan Musial’s nickname?
2. Elroy Hirsch was known as:
3. What is the square root of -1?
4. Name the only word in the English language to end in “sede”.
5. Who was the most decorated soldier in WWII?
6. If you order a Philly cheesesteak “wit”, what do you get?
7. What was Connie Mack’s real name?
8. What are little boys made of?
9. In 25 words, or less, explain the difference between Einstein’s ‘Special’ and ‘General’ theories of Relativity.
10. Cape May, New Jersey was named after what Dutch explorer?
11. Do you know anyone named “Cornelius
12. What do you want when you gotta have somethin’, and it’s gotta be good, and it’s gotta be a lot, and you gotta have it now?
13. David Ruffin was the lead singer for what Motown group?
14. Richie Ashburn is dead. True or False?
15. Mark Hanna was the ‘money man’ behind what U.S. President?
16. True or False? Herman Melville was a wretched novelist
17. Supply and Demand have little to do with rising prices. True or False?
18. Name a famous Ozzie.
19. Would you ever consider getting a tattoo?
20. Marzipan is (a) an island off the coast of Saipan (b) an almond paste (c) who cares?
21. A peacock lays what color eggs?
22. Creek is correctly pronounced “crick”. True or false?
23. Explain why the Beatles song, I am the Walrus is relevant to our times.
24. Fill in the blank. “Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the
rest have thirty-one, except:
25. How many schools are in the Big Ten athletic conference?

Extra Credit
I was wrong once. What was the year?
(answers tomorrow)

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