Sunday, October 15, 2006

Quiz Answers

Definitive Answers to THE Hard Knocks Test

1. “The Man”
2. “Crazy Legs”
3. Some may want to say “i”, however, my 9th grade teacher told us that two negatives multiplied are a positive, so therefore there can be no answer to this remarkably stupid question.
4. “Supersede”
5. “Audie Murphy”
6. “Onions”
7. “Cornelius MacGillicudy”
8. “Snips and snails and puppy dog tails”
9. Can’t be done, Bozo!
10. Cornelius Jacobson Mey
11. Be careful answering this one. However, if you lie, I hope you have a pleasant time in Hell!
12. Cracker Jack
13. “The Temptations”
14. Unfortunately true. He was an under-appreciated “Great“.
15. William McKinley
16. True, very, very true
17. If you are a Liberal, this is “true”. If you are a Conservative, “false”.
18. If you said “Nelson”, you are correct.
19. This doesn’t count. I just wanted to see how many of you are idiotic enough to mutilate yourself.
20. Almond Paste, yum.
21. “What a maroon!” The Peahen lays the eggs.
22. It’s “crick”, as any South Jersey raised individual rightly knows.
23. If you even attempt to answer this one, you should be hospitalized.
24. Black History Month
25. Eleven
Extra Credit
(This test in no way reflects the writer’s ethnic, geographic, or sports bias)
20-26, (You cheated.) However, if you are a female aged 30-50, we should meet.
19-15, Great score! If you’re an attractive female aged 30-50, we should meet.
14-10, Nice going! If you are a wealthy, attractive female aged 30-50, we should meet.
Under 10, Let’s see how the higher scorers work out.

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