Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Democrats are Right!

More and more Democrats and RINOs say that we should be engaging with the Syrians and Iranians regarding peace in the Middle East.

My staff and I agree with them.

We should engage them with HumVees, Abrams tanks, light, medium, and heavy artillery, Bunker Busters, Cruise missiles, and tactical nuclear weapons.

Let the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines engage the bastards!

Lives (ours) depend on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, no, no! We should 'engage' them the same way those who are concerned with women's rights promote what to do when raped - just lay there and let them do what they want! After all, fighting back will just make them mad, and we don't want that.

Seriously, I agree - there's a difference between diplomacy in good faith, and simply talking to criminals who have no intention whatsoever of keeping any agreements arrived at through the diplomatic process.

When the diplomats fail, it's time to unleash the military. And the diplomats have pretty well failed in the ME with Iran and Syria.