Friday, January 19, 2007

Fox News Poll

"Do you personally want the Iraq plan President Bush announced last week to succeed?"

------------------Yes-------No-------(Don't Know)


"As far as the "Don't Know" answers go, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them have no idea what the surge is. I know that seems incomprehensible to those of us who are political junkies, but there are a lot of people out there who don't follow anything related to politics, government, etc., and couldn't tell you the difference between what's going on in Iraq and France.

On the other hand, if you do know what Bush's plan is and "don't know" if you want it to succeed, you're no better than the people who want it to fail -- and those people are contemptible. If you're an American and you want the surge to fail, you're rooting for your own country to lose a war and hence, you're not a patriot, you're not a good American, and you're not even a decent person."

Courtesy of John Hawkins

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