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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Check Your Vocabulary Rating
I got lucky. Click the above link to take a quick multiple choice quiz.
Those Wacky Muslims
“Hundreds of Turks spent the first day of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha holiday in emergency wards on Sunday, after stabbing themselves or suffering other injuries while sacrificing startled and agitated sheep and other animals.
Muslims sacrifice cows, sheep, goats and bulls during the four-day religious holiday, a ritual commemorating the biblical account of God's provision of a ram for Abraham to sacrifice as he was about to slay his son. They share the meat with friends, family and neighbors and give part of it to the poor.
In Turkey, at least 1,413 people — called "amateur butchers" by the Turkish media — were treated at hospitals across the country, most suffering cuts to their hands and legs, the Anatolia news agency reported.
Four people were severely injured when they were crushed under the weight of large animals that fell on top of them, the agency reported. Another person was hurt when a crane, used to lift an animal, tumbled onto him, the agency said.”
Read it all.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Good Riddance!
Saddam Dead!
“Three years after he was hauled from a hole in the ground by pursuing U.S. forces, Saddam Hussein was hanged Saturday under a sentence imposed by an Iraqi court, al-Hurra TV, al-Arabiya and Sky News TV reported.”
Read more.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Hat’s Off to Harry!
Did they really have to reveal exactly where he is heading?
“PRINCE Harry is going to Iraq, reportedly heading there with his unit in May.
Harry will be stationed near the southern port city of Basra and will likely be assigned to patrol the border with Iran.
London's Daily Telegraph said Harry, 22, is determined to go, despite reports of resistance from many in the military who fear he would be a fat prize for terrorists.
They're also worried he would attract attention and put his fellow soldiers in greater danger.”
Read the rest.
How to Wage War
“The Islamist forces who have controlled much of Somalia in recent months suddenly vanished from the streets of the capital, Mogadishu, residents said Wednesday night, just as thousands of rival troops massed 15 miles away. In the past few days, Ethiopian-backed forces, with tacit approval from the United States, have unleashed tanks, helicopter gunships and jet fighters on the Islamists, decimating their military and paving…”
Read it all.
More Deep-ish Thoughts (Sorry SNL)
Welcome, Dr. Sanity readers!
If someone prefaces a remark to you by saying, “With all due respect…”, he means that you are due no respect.
To Democrats Mitt Romney being a Mormon is a very bad thing, but Harry Reid being a Mormon doesn’t matter.
It must have been a Democrat who decided that “flammable” and “inflammable” mean the same thing.
I wonder what would have ensued if Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin had ever collaborated on some idea for an invention?
New Jersey has two professional football teams that have home fields within the Garden State, the New York Giants, and the New York Jets. Go figure.
I’m confused. In football, why isn’t the quarterback “spiking” the ball to stop the clock considered “intentional grounding?”
I like rabbits. They are cute, furry, cuddly looking and make a stew taste great.
Plasma TVs are bloody awful.
How come one can say…Kike, Wop, Mick, Polack, Cracker, Jap, Heeb, Kraut, Dago, Peckerwood, or Injun, without being significantly ostracized, but if one says Rag-head, or God forbid, the “N-word”, suddenly he becomes the object of scorn and labeled “Racist”?
Never, ever trust anyone who uses the word “veggie”, unless of course he is admonishing you not to trust anyone who uses the word “veggie”.
I watched the movie, “Groundhog Day” yesterday and also today. I think I’ll watch it again tomorrow.
I wince every time I hear the phrase “Earned Income Credit”.
Whoever came up with the phrase, “less is more”, is an idiot.
Why doesn’t awful mean “full of awe” and awesome mean “some awe”?
Here’s an easy way to remember how many days are in each month:
Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November.
All the rest have thirty-one, except Black History Month (February) which has twenty-eight, unless it is a leap year (which is every year divisible by 4, unless the year is divisible by 100, in which case it is NOT a leap year, unless the year is also divisible by 400, then it is still a leap year.), then it has twenty-nine.(source)
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Gerald Ford, R.I.P.
Gerald Ford was a mediocre President, at best...but by today's standards, a giant!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Blogging Blues
Please forgive the light blogging. My new medication is making me feel lethargic, lazy, and stupid(er) than before. Bear with me.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Computer Woes
Could not post anything today (other than this) because the idiot who runs my computer screwed it up...again.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Science Shocker: Full Bellies May Harm School Performance!
“Regular listeners to my radio show already know that I proudly nurture, indeed cherish, a long list of idiosyncrasies: the single most consistent element between my life today and my earlier incarnation as a 1960’s liberal involves my refusal to conform to convention. In that regard, it’s always great to see scientific confirmation that one of my personal quirks, frequently derided by friends and colleagues, has received unexpected scientific backing from authoritative research.
Since my college years, I’ve always avoided eating anything substantial before some significant intellectual challenge – like a big exam or, more recently a speech or TV appearance. Every day, I eat next to nothing before my radio show – limiting myself to a muffin or a piece of fruit or, at most, an early morning bowl of cereal before I finish with the broadcast (at 3 PM Pacific Time). It’s always seemed to me that the hunger associated with this habit gave me an “edge” that helped my performance – and now a new study from Yale Medical School supports that idea.”
Read the entire article.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Extolling the Female Tongue
“A long time ago I read a short online piece about how women could get their men to put the toilet seat down. Inherent in it was the idea that this was an example of men’s lack of consideration and that the task at hand was one of disciplining these bad boys.
I don’t know, my attitude is that if women can leave a toilet seat down, men can leave it up.Of course, this is just a silly, pebble-in-the-shoe issue, but I see it as a metaphor for a modern phenomenon: The casting of women’s characteristic behaviors as the norm and men’s as dysfunctional deviations.”
Read the rest.
Bravo to the Brave!
“COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A Danish art group that pokes fun at world leaders targeted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday by placing an advertisement in a Tehran newspaper with an insulting hidden message.
Beneath a picture of the president, a series of apparently sympathetic statements were arranged such as “Support his fight against Bush” and “Iran has the right to produce nuclear energy”. The advert was attributed to “Danes for World Peace”.
However, the first letters of each phrase, when read from top to bottom, spell out “S-W-I-N-E”.”
Read it all here.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Islam and Tsunami Victims
“WHEN people around the world sent millions of pounds to help the stricken Indonesian province of Aceh after the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004, few could have imagined that their money would end up subsidising the lashing of women in public.
But militant Islamists have since imposed sharia law in Aceh and have cornered Indonesian government funds to organise a moral vigilante force that harasses women and stages frequent displays of humiliation and state-sanctioned violence.
International aid workers and Indonesian women’s organisations are now expressing dismay that the flow of foreign cash for reconstruction has allowed the government to spend scarce money on a new bureaucracy and religious police to enforce puritan laws, such as the compulsory wearing of headscarves.”
Read it all.
Hat tip: Blonde Sagacity
Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
“Which of the following scenarios constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, as prohibited by the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution: (1) aborting a baby with a fully developed nervous system and probably inflicting great pain; (2) murdering a nightclub manager in cold blood; (3) taking 34 minutes - twice the normal time - to execute the murderer of the nightclub manager?
Anti-death penalty forces want us to believe number three. They claim the Dec. 13 execution in Florida of Angel Nieves Diaz took too long and required a second injection, thus, violating the Eight Amendment. Florida's outgoing governor, Jeb Bush, has suspended all executions in his state pending an investigation into the state's lethal-injection process. In California, U.S. District Judge Jeremy D. Fogel declared California's execution procedure unconstitutional and lethal injections - the preferred execution method in 37 states - an offense to the ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
One wishes such considerations were available to relatives of the deceased, and to the deceased, themselves, who are not given a choice in the method of their execution, much less the option of continuing to live. Diaz spent more than two decades in prison before he was executed. That probably inflicted cruel and unusual punishment on the relatives of his victim.”
Read it all.
Monday, December 18, 2006
A Modest Christmas Wish List
Welcome, Dr. Sanity readers!
A candlelight dinner with Ann Coulter, who would later reject my advances because she has good sense.
Season tickets for the Philadelphia Phillies so that I can be humiliated by something other than the Philadelphia Eagles, Seventy-Sixers, Flyers… ad infinitum.
Piece and love (love of course is optional).
Learning how to not put a period at the end of clauses.
Someone to explain to me how “homophobia” doesn’t translate to “fear of man”, but does mean “hate of guys who like other guys and not women.”
A load of crap and Jimmy Carter, because I’d like to see if there is a discernible difference.
A “MERRY CHRISTMAS” for everyone!
Friday, December 15, 2006
A Pretentious Traitor
“Sen. John Kerry, on a Mideast tour taking him to Damascus for talks with President Bashar Assad, said Friday that the Bush administration’s rejection of dialogue with Syria and Iran to try to calm Iraq is a mistake.
Kerry’s trip is the latest in a growing tussle between the White House and Congress over the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan panel that called for talks with Iran and Syria to win their help in stabilizing war-torn Iraq.”
Read it all.
Kerry’s trip is the latest in a growing tussle between the White House and Congress over the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan panel that called for talks with Iran and Syria to win their help in stabilizing war-torn Iraq.”
Read it all.
Quote of the Day
Veni, Vidi, Velcro....("I came, I saw, I stuck around")
From a guy named Bob Read on the Armorama site.
From a guy named Bob Read on the Armorama site.
The New Porn Shop
Did Kirsten Powers undergo some kind of metamorphosis, or had I in the past misjudged her as another stinking liberal. Anyway, read this thoughtful article by Powers.
“WHEN did the doll section turn into a porn shop?
I'd gone to FAO Schwarz with a friend and her three small children; while they shopped for stuffed animals, I wandered over to recapture some of the innocence of my childhood. What a mistake.
Just feet from the Etch-A-Sketches and paint-by-numbers were dolls dressed in garter belts, bustiers, fishnet stockings and high heels. "Ella" was in a teddy; "Justine" in an evening gown with her breasts overflowing. Cleavage and lingerie were the order of the day.
As small children filed by, I felt myself panicking, wanting to cover their eyes or steer them away, as if they were going to be exposed to something they weren't meant to see. Never mind that they were the target audience for these hyper-sexualized dolls. I was, after all, in a toy store.”
Read the rest.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Mr. President, If I May Be So Bold...
“Most of our readers know the story of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain at Gettysburg. Ordered to hold Little Round Top at all costs, Chamberlain's 20th Maine fended off one attack after another. Finally, Chamberlain's men were nearly out of ammunition and it was clear they would not be able to withstand another assault. Prudence counseled retreat, but Chamberlain's orders forbade it. The Maine regiment could neither fall back nor stay where it was, so Chamberlain took the only course open to him: he told his men to fix bayonets and prepare to charge.
It strikes me that you, President Bush, are in a similar situation in Iraq. You know (if many liberals do not) that retreat is out of the question. Yet the status quo is untenable. Support for your administration's policy is evaporating. Iraq is being pacified too slowly if at all, and minor tinkering around the edges--a few more men, some more training of Iraqis--won't make much difference. You need a decisive stroke. You need to tip the table over. You need to attack”
This is an important read.
The Ann Coulter Truth (as usual)
“How did we go from winning the war in Iraq to losing overnight? Was this decided by the same committee that changed "Peking" to "Beijing"?
These word changes are a fortiori evidence that liberals are part of a conspiracy. On what date did "horrible" and "actress" vanish from the English language to be replaced with "horrific" and "actor"? Who decided that? (Meanwhile, I'm still writing "Puff Daddy" in my nightly dream journal when everybody else has started calling him "Diddy.")”
Read the rest.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
FAQ - The Shiites and the Sunnis
“1) Who are the Sunnis and the Shiites?
They are the two main sects of Islam. And generally speaking, they’re not crazy about each other.
2) What are the differences between them?
Historically, they suffered their fissure 13 centuries ago when they differed over who the rightful heir to Muhammad was. Beyond that little nugget, the typical congressman shouldn’t have to worry his pretty little blow-dried head about the origins of the two sects.
The Sunnis historically were much more political than the Shiites. Devout and fundamentalist Sunnis felt (and feel) that there can be no law above the Koran. That means they feel that government by necessity must be a theocracy. Also, fundamentalist Sunnis consider Shiites to be apostates. An apostate is an even worse thing to be than an infidel.
Shiites traditionally were relatively non-political. You’ve seen this kind of Shiite philosophy in action in Iraq where Ayatollah Sistani supported the formation of a secular government and declined to claim the reins of leadership himself.”
Please read the rest.
R.I.P. Peter Boyle
“LOS ANGELES - Peter Boyle, the actor who transformed from an angry workingman in Joe to a tap-dancing monster in Young Frankenstein and, finally, the comically grouchy father on Everybody Loves Raymond, has died. He was 71.
Boyle, who had been suffering from multiple myeloma and heart disease, died Tuesday evening at New York Presbyterian Hospital, said his publicist, Jennifer Plante.”
It never occurred to me that Peter’s dad was “Uncle Pete” on early Philadelphia TV for kids. He was a terrific quick sketch artist and introduced many young ones, like myself, to the “Little Rascals” of “Our Gang” fame.
Time truly is a thief.
Quote of the Day
“Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself.” —Jean Francois Revel
Hat tip: The Patriot Post
Hat tip: The Patriot Post
Monday, December 11, 2006
Ohio Rep. Kucinich to Run for President
Welcome, Dr. Sanity readers!
“CLEVELAND - Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2004, said Monday he is planning to run again because his party isn't pushing hard enough to end the war in Iraq.
The liberal, anti-war congressman said he was inspired to run because he disagrees with the way some of his fellow Democrats are handling the war in Iraq, including approval of a proposal to spend $160 billion more on the conflict.”
Read the rest.
In a related story, pop tart Britney Spears once again apologized for exposing her kucinich in public.
“CLEVELAND - Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2004, said Monday he is planning to run again because his party isn't pushing hard enough to end the war in Iraq.
The liberal, anti-war congressman said he was inspired to run because he disagrees with the way some of his fellow Democrats are handling the war in Iraq, including approval of a proposal to spend $160 billion more on the conflict.”
Read the rest.
In a related story, pop tart Britney Spears once again apologized for exposing her kucinich in public.
Congressional Intelligence
“WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tapped to head the Intelligence Committee when the Democrats take over in January, failed a quiz of basic questions about al Qaeda and Hezbollah, two of the key terrorist organizations the intelligence community has focused on since the September 11, 2001 attacks.
When asked by CQ National Security Editor Jeff Stein whether al Qaeda is one or the other of the two major branches of Islam -- Sunni or Shiite -- Reyes answered "they are probably both," then ventured "Predominantly -- probably Shiite."
That is wrong. Al Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden as a Sunni organization and views Shiites as heretics.”
Read the rest.
Hat tip: Lucianne
Sunday, December 10, 2006
“To most people a compromise is an agreement. Two or more parties sit down and they each give up something for a greater agreement. Thus they end up with a part of what they want but not all of it. The misery/goodness is spread equally.
Enter the Baker Report. It's been out two days and the left is celebrating. I haven't seen them this happy since the election of Bill Clinton and the Democrat Congress. Katie Couric was almost wetting her panties the other night in excitement. Lefty bloggers are going crazy with happiness.”
Read it all.
Enter the Baker Report. It's been out two days and the left is celebrating. I haven't seen them this happy since the election of Bill Clinton and the Democrat Congress. Katie Couric was almost wetting her panties the other night in excitement. Lefty bloggers are going crazy with happiness.”
Read it all.
Cynthia McKinney Discusses Impeachment Bill
'On the day after she introduced a bill to impeach President Bush, soon-to-be-ex Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was back to her training at a Georgia Burger King. While serving customers, McKinney spoke to TNOYF.
TNOYF: "Cynthia, thanks for agreeing to talk to us. Last time we spoke, you were training at a local McDonalds. Why the switch to Burger King?"'
Read the rest.
A Simple Conclusion
“Is there a more obvious product of heterosexual behavior than the creation of children? If so then isn't it somewhat peculiar that those who shun the behavior of heterosexuality so deeply crave the product that it brings?
This week as I read the news that Mary Cheney, the 37 year old daughter of the Vice-President, was pregnant, I had many such questions running through my head. I'm not supposed to mind you.
I'm not supposed to be allowed to think such things.
I'm not supposed to openly wonder what such conclusions might mean. Such wondering might bash the belief structure that men and women are completely interchangeable with one another. Yet I wonder them nonetheless. (Call it an ever growing desire to know the truth of the matter.)”
Read it all.
This week as I read the news that Mary Cheney, the 37 year old daughter of the Vice-President, was pregnant, I had many such questions running through my head. I'm not supposed to mind you.
I'm not supposed to be allowed to think such things.
I'm not supposed to openly wonder what such conclusions might mean. Such wondering might bash the belief structure that men and women are completely interchangeable with one another. Yet I wonder them nonetheless. (Call it an ever growing desire to know the truth of the matter.)”
Read it all.
Friday, December 08, 2006
James Baker…Another Dolt!
“The members of the Iraq Study Group hope that their collaboration will, among things, help usher in a new spirit of bipartisanship. So as a Republican, I'll offer this bipartisan thought -- other than Jimmy Carter, I can't think of a major public figure I like less than James Baker.
The two share a strong desire to stick it to Israel. I've always thought that Baker's is less pathological than Carter's, but after reading the ISG report (and Scott's post below), I'm no longer certain. Baker's position as head of the ISG has provided him with one last chance to exert pressure on Israel to make territorial concessions, and Baker has seized that opportunity with gusto.
Yet the Israeli-Palestinian question has nothing to do with our problems in Iraq, and the ISG report presents no evidence or argument to the contrary. The Sunni insurrection is unrelated to Israel -- it's an attempt by those who had power under Saddam to seize back that power, or as much of it as they can. Al Qaeda didn't join that insurrection because of Israel. It wants to kill Americans, deal the U.S. a defeat, and establish a new territorial base of operations. The Shiite militias aren't in business because of Israel. They're interested in obtaining power and dishing out revenge on the Sunnis. Iran isn't meddling because of Israel. It wants influence in Iraq or, short of that, to make sure its old adversary remains weak.”
Read the rest.
She should have been President
Jeane Kirkpatrick Dies at 80
“Former U.N. Ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, a one-time Democrat who switched to the Republican Party and warmly embraced Reagan era conservatism, has died. She was 80.
Kirkpatrick's death was announced Friday at the senior staff meeting of the U.S. mission to the United Nations, said spokesman Richard Grenell, who said that Ambassador John Bolton asked for a moment of silence. An announcement of her death also was posted on the Web site of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative-oriented think tank in Washington, D.C. where she was a senior fellow.
Kirkpatrick's assistant, Andrea Harrington, said that she died in her sleep at home in Bethesda, Md. late Thursday. The cause of death was not immediately known.”
Read the rest.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Cape Canaveral, an Idiot’s Launch Site
I’d like to know who the rocket scientist(s) was/were that chose Cape Canaveral as the ideal place to light a gigantic firecracker under the a$$ of human beings hell bent on being shot out of the influence of gravity.
The climate of central Florida is called sub-tropical for a good reason. In minutes the weather can go from sunny and bright to pouring rain.
Most of you know that rain and clouds are inconsistent with flying objects that are propelled by exploding gases.
Wouldn’t Arizona or some other state that nobody cares about have been a more thoughtful choice? In Arizona you can open a bag of Lay’s Classic potato chips in February, and by October they’re still fresh!
Did these morons ever hear that “it never rains in southern California?”
“But wait,” you say. “If the rocket crashes and burns, we don’t want it to land on a populated area. Better the shrapnel and poor unfortunates land in the ocean.”
If I were an astronaut this would not be a confidence building reassurance.
If NASA relies on the lowest bidders to build these enormous Roman candles, at least they should ensure that the weather gives a reasonable shot at continued living.
Dont miss Dr. Sanity's Carnival of the Insanities!
“Go to Hell, Israel”, says Baker
“The White House has been examining a proposal by James Baker to launch a Middle East peace effort without Israel.
The peace effort would begin with a U.S.-organized conference, dubbed Madrid-2, and contain such U.S. adversaries as Iran and Syria. Officials said Madrid-2 would be promoted as a forum to discuss Iraq's future, but actually focus on Arab demands for Israel to withdraw from territories captured in the 1967 war. They said Israel would not be invited to the conference. ”(emphasis mine)
Read the rest.
Hat tip: Right Wing News
American Soldiers are not just Smart…They are Brilliant!
"In an age of multimillion-dollar high-tech weapons systems, sometimes it's the simplest ideas that can save lives. Which is why a New Jersey mother is organizing a drive to send cans of Silly String to Iraq.
American troops use the stuff to detect trip wires around bombs, as Marcelle Shriver learned from her son, a soldier in Iraq.
Before entering a building, troops squirt the plastic goo, which can shoot strands about 10 to 12 feet, across the room. If it falls to the ground, no trip wires. If it hangs in the air, they know they have a problem. The wires are otherwise nearly invisible.
Now, 1,000 cans of the neon-colored plastic goop are packed into Shriver's one-car garage in this town outside Philadelphia, ready to be shipped to the Middle East thanks to two churches and a pilot who heard about the drive."
Read it all.
American troops use the stuff to detect trip wires around bombs, as Marcelle Shriver learned from her son, a soldier in Iraq.
Before entering a building, troops squirt the plastic goo, which can shoot strands about 10 to 12 feet, across the room. If it falls to the ground, no trip wires. If it hangs in the air, they know they have a problem. The wires are otherwise nearly invisible.
Now, 1,000 cans of the neon-colored plastic goop are packed into Shriver's one-car garage in this town outside Philadelphia, ready to be shipped to the Middle East thanks to two churches and a pilot who heard about the drive."
Read it all.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Neanderthals Were Cannibals, Study Confirms
'Neanderthals suffered periods of starvation and may have supplemented their diet through cannibalism, according to a study of remains from northwest Spain.
Paleobiologists studied samples from eight 43,000-year-old Neanderthal skeletons excavated from an underground cave in El Sidrón, Spain since 2000. The study sheds light on how Neanderthals lived before the arrival of modern humans in Europe.
Researchers found cut marks and evidence that bones had been torn apart, which they say could indicate cannibalism.
"There is strong evidence suggesting that these Neanderthals were eaten," said the study's lead author, Antonio Rosas of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid. "That is, long bones and the skull were broken for extraction of the marrow, [which] is very nutritious."
According to Rosas, there is evidence of cannibalism in Neanderthal remains from other European sites.
"I would say this practice… was general among Neanderthal populations," he said.'
Maybe this will shut up that annoying, effeminate, Geico guy…er, Neanderthal.
Common Sense from ABP
“What a cowardly display of total ignorance of the World at large James Baker and company display in this report. At no time in the last 30 years has there been either a negotiation or agreement with the Palestinians, Iranians, and Syrians that has worked in any meaningful way. The Palestinians have violated every ‘treaty’ they’ve ever reached, the Iranians don’t negotiate, they threaten and create terrorism Worldwide, and the Syrians just follow Iran’s lead while holding a death grip on Lebanon in violation of yet another ineffective resolution from the UN. What’s worse: all three groups are getting increasing support from Russia and China, who both would like nothing better than to make life hell for the US without having to do it themselves. In a world that increasingly requires the aggressive threat and/or use of force against people who have only death and destruction in mind, this report is an absolute prescription for suicide. The President shouldn’t even bother to use this report as toilet paper: it’s complete rubbish.”
Read it all.
Quote of the Day
“It is losing that Americans have no patience for—not casualties or a protracted war. Let Bush make it clear that he is serious about victory, and that he will do whatever it takes to achieve it. The political support he needs will follow.” —Jeff Jacoby
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Beer Banned in US over Santa Logo
A Christmas beer brewed in Oxfordshire has been banned in parts of the United States because it has a picture of Father Christmas on the label.
Officials in the state of New York told English brewers Ridgeway Brewing that the image on bottles of Santa's Butt could encourage under-age drinking.
The beer, a 6% winter porter, is brewed in South Stoke for the US market.
The ban was challenged by the beer's American importer and lifted, but has now been imposed in the state of Maine.
Peter Scholey, of Ridgeway Brewing, called the decision "ridiculous".
Read it all.
Mince Pie Danger to be Assessed
“Organisers of a village Christmas party have been told they must carry out a risk assessment of their mince pies - or their festivities will be cancelled.”
“Council bosses say posters will have to be displayed at the party in Embsay, in the Yorkshire Dales, warning villagers the pies contain nuts and suet pastry.”
Read the rest.
Another Lesson on How to Lose a War
“JERUSALEM – The Israeli Defense Forces has been instructed by the government here not to open fire or take any action against militants who are discovered launching rockets into the Jewish state, senior military officials told WND today.
The officials said Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's security cabinet changed the IDF's rules of engagement after a cease-fire went into effect Nov. 26. Now, if Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are caught launching rockets at Jewish cities, the Israeli military is forbidden to respond, the military officials said.(emphasis mine)
Previously, the IDF used artillery units and aerial strikes against militants discovered in the process of launching rockets.”
Read it all.
Why Newt is Right
“What does Newt Gingrich have in common with two accomplished nuclear strategists?
Philip Bobbitt has served in national security positions in the US Senate and the Clinton administration. He teaches constitutional law at the University of Texas and strategy at Oxford. At a recent Bradley Lecture at the American Enterprise Institute, Bobbitt discussed the future of terrorism and the state. One of his recurring refrains was the need for states to "stockpile laws" just as they might stockpile vaccines in the instance of biological attack, except the laws would provide for actions the government might legally take to restore itself, or to defend itself and the country, in the aftermath of an attack using weapons of mass destruction. Bobbitt is releasing a new book, discussing terrorism and the evolution of the state, early next year.”
Read the rest.
Hat tip: Instapundit
Monday, December 04, 2006
Supremacy Over the Constitution
“Justice Stephen G. Breyer says the Supreme Court must promote the political rights of minorities and look beyond the Constitution's text when necessary to ensure that "no one gets too powerful."
Breyer, a Clinton appointee who has brokered many of the high court's 5-4 rulings, spoke in a televised interview that aired one day before justices hear a key case on race in schools. He said judges must consider the practical impact of a decision to ensure democratic participation.”
Look beyond the Constitution? Hope you enjoy the next couple of years (decades?) of liberal rule, folks!
Read the rest of Breyer’s blather.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Tiger Rips Off Man's Arm in Spain After He Tries to Take Cell-Phone Photo
Golfer Tiger Woods in a fit of pique tore off the arm of Julio Estrada as the man demurred when Woods attempted to snap a photo of him prior to play at the Madrid Classic.
Mr. Estrada stated, “I told Mr. Woods that I wanted no part of his photographic fantasies, whereupon he grabbed my left arm and spun it in a perfect arc then yanked it out of the socket. He then tugged on it, and it was no longer attached to my body!”
Woods explained that he was sorry if anyone was offended by his actions and that he would enrol in anger management classes at his earliest convenience.
Donald Stott, Associated Press correspondent
Oops! I misread the headline. Here is the real story.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Governmental Priorities
“MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Festivus just isn't the same this year for self-professed Seinfeld fanatic Governor Jim Doyle.
In fact, Doyle says he won't be recognizing the made-up holiday after Michael Richards, AKA Kramer, unleashed a string of racial slurs at black patrons during a recent comedy club appearance.”
Read it all.
Hat tip: Lucianne
In fact, Doyle says he won't be recognizing the made-up holiday after Michael Richards, AKA Kramer, unleashed a string of racial slurs at black patrons during a recent comedy club appearance.”
Read it all.
Hat tip: Lucianne
Friday, December 01, 2006
Lies, Damned Lies, and Patriotism
“The Associated Press is standing by its report that six Sunni men were burned to death in Baghdad Friday by Shiites, even though U.S. military officials have accused the wire service of relying on a source who "is not who he claimed he was," an Iraqi police captain.
Military officials also say they cannot confirm that the incident took place and have asked AP to retract or correct the story, which was repeated by media around the world and cited as a grim example of Shiites taking revenge for a deadly bombing that killed more than 200 people a day before.”
Please read it all.
Military officials also say they cannot confirm that the incident took place and have asked AP to retract or correct the story, which was repeated by media around the world and cited as a grim example of Shiites taking revenge for a deadly bombing that killed more than 200 people a day before.”
Please read it all.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hate Speech
If people were asked about actor Michael Richards' epithet-laced outburst at a Los Angeles nightclub, there would be a lot of focus on the verbal assault but very little on an assault on freedom of speech. In truth, however, if there's anything at all relating to this story that rises above gossip-column fodder, it's that it's also fuel for demagogues who seek control over discourse in America.
Representing the two targets of Mr. Richards' bile, Frank McBride and Kyle Doss, "civil rights" attorney Gloria Allred appeared on Hannity and Colmes Thanksgiving eve. The stone-faced Allred opened with a very telling assertion, boldly proclaiming, "This is not free speech, this is hate speech!"
Read it all.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Screw Al-Qaida!
‘Al-Qaida in Iraq issued its statement on an Islamic militant Web site it often uses to post messages.
“The pope’s visit, in fact, is to consolidate the crusader campaign against the lands of Islam after the failure of the crusader leaders ... and an attempt to extinguish the burning ember of Islam inside our Turkish brothers,” it said.’
Read the rest.
Uncommon Sense
“Being a lifelong Eagles fan, this very well could be the hardest post I’ve ever had to write, but I’ve got to do it to remain true to my journalistic ethics. (Shaddup!!!!). I just read this story about some things Michael Irvin said on the Dan Patrick radio show about new Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, who happens to be white.”
Read the rest.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Accommodating Disability
“WASHINGTON — American paper money represents an unfair impediment to the blind, and the Treasury Department must come up with new U.S. currency to help the visually impaired use cash, a federal judge ruled Tuesday.
U.S. District Judge James Robertson said keeping all U.S. currency the same size and texture violates the Rehabilitation Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in government programs.”
This writer suffers from disabilities that make that sitting, standing, walking, sleeping, waking, bathing, dressing, even typing very difficult. Inside, I feel bad when someone let’s me get ahead of them when we are in a waiting line. Of course, I say "Thank you". When a kind person holds open a door for me, although I am grateful, I feel inadequate. That’s the reality.
But, please, don’t change our society because I have physical problems. Allow me the dignity to deal with it.
NYC’s Mayor, Irresponsible Panderer!
“For those who have not heard, there was a controversial shooting by New York City police officers early Saturday morning. Five undercover police officers opened fire on three black suspects in a car outside a strip club in Queens. The police fired 50 shots in all. One of the men in the car was a 23-year-old named Sean Bell who, as reported in the New York Post,
"was set to marry his high-school sweetheart and the mother of his two young daughters hours after his bachelor party at the club."
Mr. Bell was killed. The incident is now being referred to as the "Groom Shooting," and already is being compared by Al Sharpton to the infamous shooting of Amadou Diallo in 1999.”
Read it all.
"was set to marry his high-school sweetheart and the mother of his two young daughters hours after his bachelor party at the club."
Mr. Bell was killed. The incident is now being referred to as the "Groom Shooting," and already is being compared by Al Sharpton to the infamous shooting of Amadou Diallo in 1999.”
Read it all.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Easy Solution
“Hezbollah in Lebanon is an Iranian proxy. Hamas and al-Qaida in the Gaza Strip are assisted and funded by Iran (and given aid and comfort by Iran's Jew-hating genocidal rhetoric), while Iran is the primary player in the 'sectarian' violence in Iraq, details of which are discussed above.
This is not a complicated situation, and can be solved very simply and quickly. Here is the Tammy (Bruce) Middle East Strategy Plan:
1) One bullet, strategically placed, for Hezbollah in Lebanon leader Hassan Nasrallah.
2) One bullet, strategically placed, for Muqtada al-Sadr.
3) The bombing of Iran to eliminate its nuclear bomb program, and to wipe out its genocidal leadership.
1,2,3 done.”
Read the rest.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
He was just a little boy, on a week's first day,
wandering home from Sunday School, and dawdling on the way.
He scuffed his shoes into the grass; he even found a caterpillar.
He found a fluffy milkweed pod and blew out all the "filler."
A bird's nest in a tree overhead, so wisely placed up so high,
Was just another wonder That caught his eager eye.
A neighbor watched his zig zag course and hailed him from the lawn;
Asked him where he'd been that day and what was going on.
"I've been to Bible School," he said and turned a piece of sod.
He picked up a wiggly worm replying, "I've learned a lot about God."
"M'm, very fine way," the neighbor said, "for a boy to spend his time."
"If you'll tell me where God is I'll give you a brand new dime."
Quick as a flash the answer came! Nor was his voice faint.
"I'll give you a dollar, Mister, If you can tell me where God ain't."
Author unknown
Courtesy of The Conservative Voice
wandering home from Sunday School, and dawdling on the way.
He scuffed his shoes into the grass; he even found a caterpillar.
He found a fluffy milkweed pod and blew out all the "filler."
A bird's nest in a tree overhead, so wisely placed up so high,
Was just another wonder That caught his eager eye.
A neighbor watched his zig zag course and hailed him from the lawn;
Asked him where he'd been that day and what was going on.
"I've been to Bible School," he said and turned a piece of sod.
He picked up a wiggly worm replying, "I've learned a lot about God."
"M'm, very fine way," the neighbor said, "for a boy to spend his time."
"If you'll tell me where God is I'll give you a brand new dime."
Quick as a flash the answer came! Nor was his voice faint.
"I'll give you a dollar, Mister, If you can tell me where God ain't."
Author unknown
Courtesy of The Conservative Voice
Friday, November 24, 2006
Double Standard
“…when Mr. Richards was interrupted by a small group at a nearby table, he should have been competent enough to deal with it without engaging in racist invective. Having said that, let’s look at what it means to lose your temper and make a few stupid remarks in the ultra-sensitive country that we’ve become. Since the guy imploded onstage, the video quickly made its way onto the international airwaves, resulting in the type of condemnation that should be reserved for, say, a man who butchered 2 people and got away with it.”
Read the rest.
Read the rest.
Niccolo Machiavelli
"And what physicians say about disease is applicable here: that at the beginning a disease is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose; but as time passes, not having been treated or recognized at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. The same thing occurs in affairs of state; for by recognizing from afar the diseases that are spreading in the state (which is a gift given only to a prudent ruler), they can be cured quickly; but when they are not recognized and are left to grow to the extent that everyone recognizes them, there is no longer any cure." -- Niccolo Machiavelli
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The Day the World Stopped
“Dallas, Nov. 22--President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed by an assassin today.
He died of a wound in the brain caused by a rifle bullet that was fired at him as he was riding through downtown Dallas in a motorcade.
Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was riding in the third car behind Mr. Kennedy's, was sworn in as the 36th President of the United States 99 minutes after Mr. Kennedy's death.”
Read the rest.
Who is Barak Obama?
‘Senator Barack Obama's (D-Ill) platform is his politics of "understanding." Obama has been careful not to define the issues upon which he runs; rather, he explains that it is time to "move forward," to discard "ideology," to reach a new "common ground" built on an "understanding" of broad-based values. Of course, this is pure Grade A pap, since Obama fails to define those values, except in broad generalities. Yes, he's for the flag (but not against burning it -- he voted against the flag-protection amendment), motherhood (as long as taxpayers foot the bill for daycare and abortion on demand remains legal) and apple pie (he has not had to vote on apple pie). But where does he stand?’
Read it all.
Read it all.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Have We Lost Our Minds?
‘Remember Alberto Fernandez? The State Department press officer was forced to apologize last month after telling Al Jazeera that the U.S. had shown “arrogance” and “stupidity” in Iraq.
Well after a month of silence, the State Department is finally speaking out on Fernandez — not to condemn him, but to praise his “integrity, courage, [and] sensitivity.”
Fernandez was selected from three department nominees for the Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Public Diplomacy by Tufts University... for his work with pan-Arab media ... to increase the number of appearances by U.S. officials.
He receives a certificate signed by Secretary Condoleezza Rice — and $10,000 in cash.’
Read it all.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Quote of the Day
“Given our monstrous, overgrown government structure, any three letters chosen at random would probably designate an agency or part of a department that could be profitably abolished.” —Milton Friedman
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Majority Drool
‘Media people are feverish. They've discovered an exotic new life-form, the missing link, the elusive "walking fish" that just might be the key to existence itself. Known as The Democrat, this fascinating beast has been the subject lately of countless earnest, hopeful news stories.’
Read the rest.
Hat tip: Real Clear Politics
Read the rest.
Hat tip: Real Clear Politics
Alcee Hastings, Corruption Personified
“Eighteen years ago, Democratic Rep. John Conyers came to believe that Alcee Hastings, at the time a federal judge in Florida, was guilty of impeachable offenses. Hastings stood accused of conspiring to take bribes, and, although it is little remembered today, Conyers served as the chairman of the House Judiciary subcommittee that investigated Hastings and unanimously recommended his impeachment. After the House voted 413 to 3 to impeach Hastings, Conyers went on to serve as one of the House impeachment managers who successfully argued before the Senate that Hastings should be convicted and removed from office.”
Read it all.
Read it all.
Tastes of Philadelphia
‘Long Italian roll with meat, tuna etc. and lettuce, tomatoes, onions, oil, oregano, salt, pepper and sometimes hot or sweet peppers. Never pickles. That was invented by Subway. (They can't even cut the rolls right!). Other places have similar sandwiches but they are all slightly different. People claim everything is in the bread. Amoroso makes a lot of hoagie and steak rolls. In Atlantic City, the Italian bread is slightly crustier on the outside and more dense on the inside.
Many stories have circulated about the origins of "hoagies". Basically, shops that catered to the Hog Island and Navy Yard workers started to call the sandwiches "hoagies".’
Check out these Philly foods here. You’re guaranteed to become a loyal fan. But, I beg you, do not become a fan of Philadelphia sports teams!
Many stories have circulated about the origins of "hoagies". Basically, shops that catered to the Hog Island and Navy Yard workers started to call the sandwiches "hoagies".’
Check out these Philly foods here. You’re guaranteed to become a loyal fan. But, I beg you, do not become a fan of Philadelphia sports teams!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Goodbye, Mr. Friedman
"Today, upon news of the death of Nobel Laureate economist Dr. Milton Friedman, Gordon St. Angelo, president and CEO of the Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, offered the following statement:
America has lost a true visionary and advocate for human freedom. And I have lost a great friend.
Milton’s passion for freedom and liberty has influenced more lives than he ever could possibly know. His writings and ideas have transformed the minds of U.S. Presidents, world leaders, entrepreneurs and freshmen economic majors alike. The loss of his passion, incisive mind and dedication to freedom are all national treasures that we mourn for today."
Read it all.
America has lost a true visionary and advocate for human freedom. And I have lost a great friend.
Milton’s passion for freedom and liberty has influenced more lives than he ever could possibly know. His writings and ideas have transformed the minds of U.S. Presidents, world leaders, entrepreneurs and freshmen economic majors alike. The loss of his passion, incisive mind and dedication to freedom are all national treasures that we mourn for today."
Read it all.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Iraq Solution
“With Iraqi society decomposing - or, at best, reverting to a medieval state with cell phones - the debate in Washington over whether to try to save the day by deploying more troops or withdrawing some is of secondary relevance.
What really matters is what our forces are ordered - and permitted - to do. With political correctness permeating our government and even the upper echelons of the military, we never tried the one technique that has a solid track record of defeating insurgents if applied consistently: the rigorous imposition of public order.
That means killing the bad guys. Not winning their hearts and minds, placating them or bringing them into the government. Killing them.”(emphasis mine)
Read it all here.
What really matters is what our forces are ordered - and permitted - to do. With political correctness permeating our government and even the upper echelons of the military, we never tried the one technique that has a solid track record of defeating insurgents if applied consistently: the rigorous imposition of public order.
That means killing the bad guys. Not winning their hearts and minds, placating them or bringing them into the government. Killing them.”(emphasis mine)
Read it all here.
Republicans Learn Nothing
“Last night, a prominent conservative blogger was telling me that she "hates Republicans" and that she wants to vote independent. When I asked her why, she said, "Yeah, they're totally gonna elect Boehner and Blunt. And then the Martinez thing. They're killing me."
All I can say is that yeah, they're killing me, too.
Although it's too early to tell who's going to win, the same Republican leaders in the House who failed miserably in the last election, such as Representatives John Boehner (R.-Ohio) and Roy Blunt (R.-Mo.), seem to be on track to win re-election. Worse yet, Sen. Trent Lott (R.-Miss.) of all people is trying to make a comeback as minority whip in the Senate. Then there's the Republican National Committee, where Ken Mehlman, who was an excellent chairman, is being replaced by sitting Sen. Mel Martinez and an RNC staffer. After the drubbing the Republican Party just took, does it really make sense to replace an effective RNC chairman with a pro-amnesty, part-timer like Mel Martinez?”
Read it and weep.
Hat tip: Lucianne
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Open Borders
“Andy Ostroy has posted a poignant message about his wife, Adrienne Shelly, whose accused murderer, illegal alien day laborer Diego Pillco, reportedly tried to cover up the crime by faking a suicide scene.”
Please read the whole article.
Monday, November 13, 2006
“Conservatives are suicidally polite. We feel bound to act nice, and so we go along with whatever euphemism the Left chooses for itself. On their side, Democrats loudly argue for truth in advertising for baldness cures—- but not in the marketplace of political ideas, where telling the truth is a lot more important. That is why the Left constantly seeks new PR labels to disguise itself.”
Read it all.
Read it all.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Here We Go!
'LOS ANGELES - The Democratic congressman who will investigate the Bush administration's running of the government says there are so many areas of possible wrongdoing, his biggest problem will be deciding which ones to pursue.
There's the response to Hurricane Katrina, government contracting in Iraq and on homeland security, political interference in regulatory decisions by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, and allegations of war profiteering, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., told the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
"I'm going to have an interesting time because the Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over everything," Waxman said Friday, three days after his party's capture of Congress put him in line to chair the panel. "The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose."' (emphasis added)
Read the rest.
There's the response to Hurricane Katrina, government contracting in Iraq and on homeland security, political interference in regulatory decisions by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, and allegations of war profiteering, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., told the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
"I'm going to have an interesting time because the Government Reform Committee has jurisdiction over everything," Waxman said Friday, three days after his party's capture of Congress put him in line to chair the panel. "The most difficult thing will be to pick and choose."' (emphasis added)
Read the rest.
Quote of the Day
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” —John Stuart Mill
Mad As Hell!
“Like many Americans, I’m really angry. It was bad enough to watch Republicans fall like dominoes this week. Hearing liberal Democrats claim that the election was all about the war when they didn’t offer a single alternative plan was infuriating.
But receiving the knock-out punch of Donald Rumsfeld being fired the day after the Democratic Party windfall election is making a lot of us about as mad as we’ve been in a long, long time.”
Read the rest.
But receiving the knock-out punch of Donald Rumsfeld being fired the day after the Democratic Party windfall election is making a lot of us about as mad as we’ve been in a long, long time.”
Read the rest.
Has Bush Sold Us Out?
“It is this reporter's opinion that George W. Bush has been rejected by the American people.
We have seen through his arrogance, bullheadedness, and condescension. He has turned off the American people and has all but ruined the Republican Party.
It becomes more apparent by the moment that Mr. Bush is a one world globalist; that without announcing his intentions, Bush has decided to support creation of a North American Union and he will do it through a process of governmental regulations never having to bring the issue before the American people for a clear referendum or a vote.”
Read it all.
We have seen through his arrogance, bullheadedness, and condescension. He has turned off the American people and has all but ruined the Republican Party.
It becomes more apparent by the moment that Mr. Bush is a one world globalist; that without announcing his intentions, Bush has decided to support creation of a North American Union and he will do it through a process of governmental regulations never having to bring the issue before the American people for a clear referendum or a vote.”
Read it all.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Medieval Justice Not So Medieval
“Labeling idleness a crime may have been a bit strict, but the justice system in medieval England should never be considered backwards.
Punishments for offenses in those days were perhaps even more sensible and humane than they are now, say some historians. [Medieval Torture's 10 Biggest Myths]
"The common view of the medieval justice system as cruel and based around torture and execution is often unfair and inaccurate," said University of Cambridge historian Helen Mary Carrel. Most criminals received gentle sentences merely meant to shame them, Carrel said, with the punishments often carried out in the open so townspeople could bring them charity.”
I post this for no other reason except that I find the writer’s name and the subject matter rather amusing.
Check it out.
This is Not Good!
'By Sher Zieve – Marxist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said that he was filled with optimism over the Democrats’ win on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Chavez said that the Democrat win was a “reprisal vote” against President Bush.
Chavez, who has announced in previous speeches that the US is a “terrorist nation”, said: "Of course, the citizens of the United States are humans with a conscience. It's a reprisal vote against the war in Iraq, against the corruption. All this fills us with optimism."'
Chavez, who has announced in previous speeches that the US is a “terrorist nation”, said: "Of course, the citizens of the United States are humans with a conscience. It's a reprisal vote against the war in Iraq, against the corruption. All this fills us with optimism."'
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
UN Nancies Protect Lebanon
“Hizbullah terrorists are free to roam at night without fear of being identified by the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), according to a report by the German paper Der Spiegel.”
Read it all. It’s a short article.
Read it all. It’s a short article.
Quote of the Day
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." -- Winston Churchill
Arresting Bombers Might Upset Muslims
“Reuters has gone ‘way beyond parody today with its headline,
Danish Muslims say arrests hurt integration hopes.
Try to keep a straight face:
Just as Danes were breathing sighs of relief that the wounds caused by cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad were healing, they were re-opened with the arrest of seven Muslims accused of plotting bomb attacks.
Muslims say the arrests two months ago have set back their efforts to integrate into Danish society and they find themselves again forced to defend their allegiance to their adoptive country.”
Read the rest.
Danish Muslims say arrests hurt integration hopes.
Try to keep a straight face:
Just as Danes were breathing sighs of relief that the wounds caused by cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad were healing, they were re-opened with the arrest of seven Muslims accused of plotting bomb attacks.
Muslims say the arrests two months ago have set back their efforts to integrate into Danish society and they find themselves again forced to defend their allegiance to their adoptive country.”
Read the rest.
A New Hope
“Unlike Democrats after their 2004 election debacle, it doesn't seem likely that many conservatives will threaten to move to Canada, spend months in therapy, or engage in angry, unhinged public meltdowns.
Welcome to the No- Sulk Zone!
The reasons are many:”
Read it all.
Hat tip: Michelle Malkin
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Ann Coulter...Again
“(Democrats) can't not be crazy. They will instantly set to work enacting a national gay marriage law, impeachment hearings, slavery reparations and a series of new federal felonies for abortion clinic protesters. The only way to get Democrats to focus on terrorists would be to convince them that the terrorists are interfering with a woman's right to choose or that commercial jetliners exploding in midair are a threat to America's wetlands.”-Ann Coulter
Monday, November 06, 2006
After watching a segment of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, with Meredith Vieira the other day, all I could do was sigh.
The contestant was asked, “The Supreme Court decision on Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld dealt with which of the following actions of the President being unlawful:”
a. Authorization of wiretaps
b. Establishment of military tribunals
c. Deployment of troops, or
d. Pardoning of prisoners?
The contestant had no idea, so used a ”lifeline” to ask the audience. 50% said (a). Only 31% said (b). The remainder chose the other two.
Half of these people have been convinced by the Dems and the MSM that intercepting terrorist communication is illegal! Over two- thirds of them are uninformed idiots.
These people are voting tomorrow, folks. God have mercy on our country.
The contestant was asked, “The Supreme Court decision on Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld dealt with which of the following actions of the President being unlawful:”
a. Authorization of wiretaps
b. Establishment of military tribunals
c. Deployment of troops, or
d. Pardoning of prisoners?
The contestant had no idea, so used a ”lifeline” to ask the audience. 50% said (a). Only 31% said (b). The remainder chose the other two.
Half of these people have been convinced by the Dems and the MSM that intercepting terrorist communication is illegal! Over two- thirds of them are uninformed idiots.
These people are voting tomorrow, folks. God have mercy on our country.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
We Love Pepsi. They Love Death.
“Y’know, when I see videos of young Muslim young men slicing their heads with straight razors in a frenzied jihadic pep rally, and then I see videos of our young pimps and thugs, or our Queer Eyed for Straight Guy males and our Darwinian throw back Jack Ass 2 droogies, I get a real bad feeling. It’s the feeling that if our civilian teens/twentysomethings were ever to go toe to toe with post-pubertal Islamic terrorists that our young ‘uns would get hammered like a loose board at John DiResta’s house.
Our soft and stupid culture is setting us up to be no match for these Muslim youth who are being wet nursed in Islamic death cults, being fueled with Muslim madness in a land with zero economic opportunity and are feasting feverishly on a steady diet of Anti-American disdain.
Yep, all things being equal, I believe they will eventually clean our kid’s clock if we don’t get a pro-American, kiss-my-butt attitude back into our warp and woof. These Muslim boys who currently reside across the sea (and some across your street) are not your normal young men.”
Read it all.
Our soft and stupid culture is setting us up to be no match for these Muslim youth who are being wet nursed in Islamic death cults, being fueled with Muslim madness in a land with zero economic opportunity and are feasting feverishly on a steady diet of Anti-American disdain.
Yep, all things being equal, I believe they will eventually clean our kid’s clock if we don’t get a pro-American, kiss-my-butt attitude back into our warp and woof. These Muslim boys who currently reside across the sea (and some across your street) are not your normal young men.”
Read it all.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Cardinals Apologize For Winning World Series
“ST. LOUIS—Calling Friday night's victory on baseball's grandest stage "a terrible mistake," members of the St. Louis Cardinals issued a formal apology for making the playoffs, winning the World Series, and depriving baseball fans everywhere of a season featuring the kind of heartwarming, storybook ending to which they have grown accustomed in recent years.”
Read the rest.
Read the rest.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Ann Coulter Faces Voting Probe
“PALM BEACH, Fla. – The same prosecutor's office that investigated talk-show host Rush Limbaugh for alleged "doctor shopping" and for carrying Viagra will now look into allegations of voting misconduct by another conservative media giant – Ann Coulter.
Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Arthur Anderson, a Democrat, says he will refer the accusation that Coulter voted knowingly in the wrong precinct Feb. 7 in a town election to State Attorney Barry Krischer's office by tomorrow. Krischer is also a Democrat.”
Read it all.
Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Arthur Anderson, a Democrat, says he will refer the accusation that Coulter voted knowingly in the wrong precinct Feb. 7 in a town election to State Attorney Barry Krischer's office by tomorrow. Krischer is also a Democrat.”
Read it all.
Gems From The Hollywood Squares
“The Original Hollywood Squares and its comics...this may bring a tear to your eyes. These great questions and answers are from the days when "Hollywood Squares" game show responses were spontaneous and clever not scripted and (often) dull, as they are now. Peter Marshall was the host asking the questions, of course.”
Funny stuff here.
Funny stuff here.
Kerryism [Victor Davis Hanson]
“Kerry surely must be one of the saddest Democratic liabilities around. Some afterthoughts about his latest gaffe, which is one of those rare glimpses into an entire troubled ideology:
(1) How could John Kerry, born into privilege, and then marrying and divorcing and marrying out of and back into greater inherited wealth, lecture anyone at a city college about the ingredients for success in America? If he were to give personal advice about making it, it would have to be to marry rich women. Nothing he has accomplished as a senator or candidate reveals either much natural intelligence or singular education. Today, Democrats must be wondering why they have embraced an overrated empty suit, and ostracized a real talent like Joe Lieberman.”
Read the rest.
(1) How could John Kerry, born into privilege, and then marrying and divorcing and marrying out of and back into greater inherited wealth, lecture anyone at a city college about the ingredients for success in America? If he were to give personal advice about making it, it would have to be to marry rich women. Nothing he has accomplished as a senator or candidate reveals either much natural intelligence or singular education. Today, Democrats must be wondering why they have embraced an overrated empty suit, and ostracized a real talent like Joe Lieberman.”
Read the rest.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Let’s make up a ‘hypothetical’, since the only way you can have a ‘hypothetical’ is to make it up.
I cheated on my wife. She found out and now I must confront her.
Apology #1: “Dear, I have made a terrible mistake and am sorry for the damage I did to you and our marriage.”
Apology #2: “Dear, I have made a terrible mistake and am sorry if you feel like this damages our marriage, although that clearly was not my intent.”
# 2 is not an apology. It is the egocentric rambling of a child.
John Kerry, take note.
CNN's Jackpot
The best thing CNN Headline News has ever done is adding Glenn Beck, Erica Hill, and Robin Meade to its line-up. The former is smart, witty, and politically conservative, as God intended us all to be. He also is a refreshing alternative to FNC’s Shepard “I make O’Reilly look humble” Smith. The latter two are charming, intelligent, and... oh, yeah…drop dead gorgeous!
CNN will probably never be my favorite news source since I like my news to be at least probable, but this is a good start.
CNN will probably never be my favorite news source since I like my news to be at least probable, but this is a good start.
New Kerry Interview
"Buckley F. Williams: Senator Kerry, thank you for taking the time to sit down with me.We here at The Nose On Your Face were very fortunate to sit down with Senator John Kerry. I know how busy you are.
Senator John Kerry: My pleasure.
BFW: Clearly there is one question that is on everyone's mind at this time: is the correct spelling "c-a-t-s-u-p" or the more commonly seen "k-e-t-c-h-u-p"?
SJK: Interestingly enough, both of these spellings are considered improper in the industry today. In deference to our Muslim friends we have changed it to "Q-'-a-t-s-u-p". Furthermore, it is now considered good form to kneel and bow towards Heinz corporate headquarters when smacking the heck out of the bottle to try and get the Q'atsup flowing.”
Click here for the rest.
Senator John Kerry: My pleasure.
BFW: Clearly there is one question that is on everyone's mind at this time: is the correct spelling "c-a-t-s-u-p" or the more commonly seen "k-e-t-c-h-u-p"?
SJK: Interestingly enough, both of these spellings are considered improper in the industry today. In deference to our Muslim friends we have changed it to "Q-'-a-t-s-u-p". Furthermore, it is now considered good form to kneel and bow towards Heinz corporate headquarters when smacking the heck out of the bottle to try and get the Q'atsup flowing.”
Click here for the rest.
Dem Reaction to Kerry Insult
“You knew it was coming, courtesy of the San Francisco Chronicle, the newspaper of would be Speaker Pelosi's home town and crowd. Remember, these are the people who keep sending Nancy Pelosi back to the House year after year.”
Read the rest.
Hat tip: American Thinker
Read the rest.
Hat tip: American Thinker
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Giving Our Country Away
“ALLENTOWN, Pa. - A federal judge on Tuesday blocked the city of Hazleton from enforcing a pair of ordinances targeting illegal immigrants, just hours before the measures were to go into effect.
The measures, approved by the City Council last month, would have imposed fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and denied business permits to companies that give them jobs. They also would have required tenants to register with City Hall and pay for a rental permit.
U.S. District Judge James Munley ruled that landlords, tenants and businesses that cater to Hispanics faced "irreparable harm" from the laws and issued a temporary restraining order blocking their enforcement.”
Read the rest.
The measures, approved by the City Council last month, would have imposed fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and denied business permits to companies that give them jobs. They also would have required tenants to register with City Hall and pay for a rental permit.
U.S. District Judge James Munley ruled that landlords, tenants and businesses that cater to Hispanics faced "irreparable harm" from the laws and issued a temporary restraining order blocking their enforcement.”
Read the rest.
Democratic Semantics
In this year of 2006 there are two predominant political parties in America, Democrats and Republicans. Interestingly our form of government is a republic, not a democracy. But that is begging discussion at a later time.
For now, let’s define “semantics” courtesy of Merriam-Webster.
"Main Entry: se·man·tics Pronunciation: si-'man-tiks
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
1 : the study of meanings
a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development
b (1) : SEMIOTIC (2) : a branch of semiotic dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth
3 a : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; especially : connotative meaning
b : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings"
With this in mind I have a question or two, or more. Why do we often refer to Democrats as members of the Democratic Party? Do we speak of Republicanists? How about Republicanics or Republicaniacs?
Hell, even my spell checker can’t abide that!
Here’s my theory. We have become so enamored of our so-called “Great Democracy” that we have forgotten the meaning of the words. “Democratic” sounds so warm and fuzzy, so nice. Bull!
So, please, for the sake of the sanctity of the king’s English language, let’s forego the use of the ‘Democratic Party’ in favor of the proper ‘Democrat Party’.
It will make me feel better. And Democrats are all about feelings.
For now, let’s define “semantics” courtesy of Merriam-Webster.
"Main Entry: se·man·tics Pronunciation: si-'man-tiks
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
1 : the study of meanings
a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development
b (1) : SEMIOTIC (2) : a branch of semiotic dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth
3 a : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; especially : connotative meaning
b : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings"
With this in mind I have a question or two, or more. Why do we often refer to Democrats as members of the Democratic Party? Do we speak of Republicanists? How about Republicanics or Republicaniacs?
Hell, even my spell checker can’t abide that!
Here’s my theory. We have become so enamored of our so-called “Great Democracy” that we have forgotten the meaning of the words. “Democratic” sounds so warm and fuzzy, so nice. Bull!
So, please, for the sake of the sanctity of the king’s English language, let’s forego the use of the ‘Democratic Party’ in favor of the proper ‘Democrat Party’.
It will make me feel better. And Democrats are all about feelings.
PC Horror
“Today is, of course, Halloween, but if, like me, you have a kid in an elementary school, you wouldn’t know it. Rather, in many classrooms around the country “Fall-Fest” is being celebrated.
Why not Halloween? For a number of reasons really. The first is of course, politically correct reasons. Sadly, school districts are loathe to offend either the “Wiccans” (or those like them) who think their religion is being mocked or not understood, or some fundamentalist Christians who think celebrating Halloween is akin to doing the bidding of Satan.”
Read the rest.
Why not Halloween? For a number of reasons really. The first is of course, politically correct reasons. Sadly, school districts are loathe to offend either the “Wiccans” (or those like them) who think their religion is being mocked or not understood, or some fundamentalist Christians who think celebrating Halloween is akin to doing the bidding of Satan.”
Read the rest.
But He Supports Our Troops!
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” -- John Kerry
Courtesy of Right Wing News
Update here
Courtesy of Right Wing News
Update here
Monday, October 30, 2006
I Think, Therefore I Am...I Think
Things I Know
It is never a good idea to fry chicken while shirtless.
I hate getting up at one AM to set the clocks forward/back for daylight saving/standard time.
Remember not to judge your fellow man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Then go ahead because you have his shoes, and he’s a mile away. (I can’t remember whom I stole that one from.)
My neighbor weighs in with “i before e, except after c”. I suspect he's right.
We reward “second-degree” murderers with a lesser sentence simply because of their incompetence.
Men are always going to look stupid as long as there are remarkably intelligent women like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Lynne Cheney in the world.
It makes perfect sense that a politician will spend twenty-million dollars to get a job that pays him $100,000 a year. (Paraphrased from Charles Barkley.)
One should either write numerical values as '1,2,3' or 'one, two, three'…never both in the same sentence.
I not only know all the words to the Beatles' classic "I Am the Walrus", but also understand them, and try to live my life by them.
Oliver North
“As of this writing 2,802 young Americans have been killed during three and a half years of war in Iraq. That’s roughly the same number killed at Iwo Jima during the first three and a half days of fighting against the Japanese. Every life lost was precious and every loss grievous to those who loved them. Unfortunately, our media intends to use every one of those killed to make their point. It’s a lesson they learned in Vietnam. On Feb. 27, 1968, after a month of brutal fighting and daily images of U.S. casualties on American television, Walter Cronkite, then the host of the CBS Evening News, proclaimed that the Tet Offensive had proven to him that the Vietnam War was no longer winnable... It didn’t matter that Tet had been a decisive victory for the United States and South Vietnam. Today’s potentates of the press are trying to deliver the same message: that Iraq, like Vietnam, is un-winnable. One television network has gone so far as to broadcast images of U.S. troops being killed by terrorists—making Iraq the first war where Americans get their news from the enemy. The war in Vietnam wasn’t lost during ‘Tet 68’ no matter what Cronkite said. Rather, it was lost in the pages of America’s newspapers, on our televisions, our college campuses—and eventually in the corridors of power in
Washington. We need to pray that this war isn’t lost the same way.” —Oliver North
Hat tip: The Patriot Post
Washington. We need to pray that this war isn’t lost the same way.” —Oliver North
Hat tip: The Patriot Post
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Being A Philly Sports Fan
'ESPN’s “The Sports Guy” is one of my favorite writers. This week he did a “Power Poll” of NFL teams. After each team he writes something (usually funny and insightful at the same time). But when he got to the Eagles - who have lost all 3 games this year on the last play of the game, including last week on a 62 yard field goal - he didn’t write anything. He just let the emails he got from Philly sports fans speak for themselves - he probably knew he couldn’t top any of them.
Because I’m a glutton for punishment, and because it’s therapeutic, here’s what people wrote in to him about my beloved Birds.'
Read the rest.
Because I’m a glutton for punishment, and because it’s therapeutic, here’s what people wrote in to him about my beloved Birds.'
Read the rest.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Nicotine Withdrawal…Day Six
Cravings for tobacco are more infrequent (or should that be 'less frequent'?) and much less intense. Insomnia is a bit of a problem, but that may be because during the day I feel exhausted and take catnaps. Trouble writing complete sentences.
All in all, I’m okay, you’re okay, but you are somewhat confused and confusing.
Excuse me while I try to find something really trivial to get worked up about (great, one freakin’ preposition immediately followed by another).
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
How’s That, Again?
From the Pepto Bismol Files: “It was him, and I was like, and then I was like, he’s like, ‘I understand that you, you’re upset.’ And I said to him, ‘You know, to tell you the truth, sir, you broke my heart.’ I said, ‘You know, I loved you like my mom loved Kennedy and, you know, I had faith in you, one of the few men I had real faith and hope in.’... [Y]ou know what he said to me? He said, ‘I’m sorry.’ He said, ‘I’m sorry for any man who ever hurt you and all those things you have said to me, I have said to myself, and you’re right and I’m sorry.’ And then I started to cry and couldn’t talk. Then I was like, ‘Ok, I gotta go, bye!”’ —Rosie O’Donnell on a “conversation” with Bill Clinton
Courtesy of Patriot Post
Courtesy of Patriot Post
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Nicotine Withdrawal
After forty-one years of addiction, I am now into my fourth day of withdrawal. May God have mercy on my soul if this kills me.
Light blogging lest I say something out of anger, confusion, or just plain meanness.
Light blogging lest I say something out of anger, confusion, or just plain meanness.
Monday, October 23, 2006
What’s in a Name?
‘It sounds silly, but when "Hillary Clinton" is matched up against Sen. John McCain in a hypothetical presidential election, she loses by a single percentage point. But if pollsters refer to her as "Hillary Rodham Clinton," she trounces the Arizona Republican by 7 percentage points.’
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