Friday, May 19, 2006

Bit of a Rant

War… what is it good for?
“War is Hell,” declared General William Tecumseh Sherman. Of course, he was correct. All the levels of Hell as described by Dante Alighieri are present in the violent conflict between opposing forces that is war.
Why does mankind insist on continuously waging war when we are fully aware of the horrible death and destruction that ensues from it? Are we not, as human beings, higher than beasts, and therefore capable of living side by side in harmony with our fellows?
The answer to the second question is a qualified “yes”. The answer to the first is a bit more complicated.
Women, by the design of God, are nurturers and teachers. Men are providers and protectors. Yes, this is a gross oversimplification, I know, but both women and men innately desire the safety of their progeny foremost, and themselves secondarily. Involved in this are loyalty to family, self, tribe, and nation. Survival is a very large motivating force in our lives.
When some people outside of our coalition attempt to usurp our chances of survival for their own purposes, no matter what they may be, we rise to the occasion. When faced with the choice ‘kill or be killed’, only one decision can be made.
Now some who are cowards would have you believe that it is better to live in bondage than to die for what is just and right. Yes, we are obligated to protect these people as well.
Remember, diplomacy without underlying threat is useless. War is a horrible price to pay for anything, but is by far better than the inevitable consequence.

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