Monday, May 08, 2006

From Ankle Biting Pundits

I’m just getting around to reading this press release (pdf) but apparently May 13th is “Youth Pride Day” in Boston, in which Boston Common will be transformed into “Rainbow City” and:
Scheduled events-hosted by drag king Heywood Wakefield (Aliza Shapiro) - include a rally at the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common featuring speakers and the winner of the first ever Youth Pride "Words of Wizdom" contest, as well as three awards to those the youth feel have been an inspiration to the GLBTQ community. Following the rally, the Boston Women's Rainbow Chorus will perform numbers from The Wizard of Oz and The Wiz as our 'lollipop kids' prepare to set off along the red-brick Freedom Trail, past the golden 'Oz-like' dome of the Massachusetts State House and through the streets of Downtown Boston. The celebration will conclude with a music and resource festival back 'home' at the Common. The festival will feature interactive games and activities as well as a chance to purchase goods from various vendors including some of our very own youth vendors. Admission to this event is free.
I suppose I’m not entirely surprised. This is the state that is trying to force gay marriage onto the rest of the nation via judicial decree. But what is uniquely disturbing is that the event is sponsored by and paid for in part by the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, as in Governor Mitt Romney, erstwhile candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

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