Monday, May 01, 2006

Mayday! Mayday!

This just isn't right. These people who are protesting have amongst their ranks illegal invaders! And these illegals have no right of assembly, protest, or petition to submit grievances. Hell, most, if not all of them, do not have those rights in their native country either.

Flying a flag of a foreign nation while chanting "USA, USA" makes no sense and insults the Stars and Stripes. Take that offending flag and send it back to the country that inspired it. Better still, deliver it yourself and stay there!

And it doesn't make any sense to take a day off from work if the reason you came here was to work.

By the way, didn't May 1st used to be 'Worker's Day' in the old Soviet Union? Could there be a connection between this protest and Marxism and its first cousin Socialism?

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