Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Television Blues

Not usually a whiner about TV fare, I can no longer hold a civil tongue. There is now so much drivel on the tube that Newton Minnow would be spinning in his grave, except that he's still alive.

Here are some of my TV beefs:
  1. The Geico Gecko needs to go. Everyone knows that geckos don't speak with a British accent. Therefore, by extension, he is a fraud and should be relegated to roadkill.
  2. The Nancy-boy who sings the lyrics that sound something like, "I'm franktoe baa for the moment, and she feels bad, nevah, nevah," and on it goes. I don't even know what the product is (thank goodness for the remote).
  3. Paula Abdul needs to refocus. Save that, "You moved me," crap for backstage or the boudoir.
  4. "Yo, yo, dawg. Check it out!" Randy Jackson, use the King's English if you must speak at all.
  5. The Cox Cable Guy is an animated character that interacts with actual humans. "Around The Horn" host Tony Reali should sue for unauthorized use of his likeness in a contemptible way.
  6. Bill O'Reilly is the pompous, bloviating personification of puffery.
  7. Alan Colmes. Need I say more?
  8. Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera, must have gone completely off the deep end when the long forgotten Capone tunnel turned up nothing.
  9. The "Lost another loan to ditech" guy is pathetic.
  10. Bill O'Reilly is a megalomaniacal buffoon.

I feel better now.

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