Monday, May 08, 2006

VE Day

Beacon News (Aurora, IL) by Robert Michler
Today — May 8, 2006 — is the 61st anniversary of the surrender of Germany in World War II, ending the war in Europe.
The United States declared war on Germany and Italy following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and other United States military bases on Dec. 7, 1941. Take time to pause and thank our United States Expeditionary Force and our Allied Forces for Victory in Europe.
It was a hard-fought battle in Europe following the Normandy Invasion in June 1944. Soviets had pushed the Germans 1,000 miles from Moscow. United States, British and French troops closed in from the West. Italy capitulated. Mussolini was executed. Hitler committed suicide. Nazi leaders fled to Copenhagen. Allies took Berlin. German forces surrendered May 8.
Japan continued fighting in the Pacific until their surrender on Sept. 2, 1945.
Take time to tell our younger generation about World War II and the sacrifices made by the Greatest Generation in fighting a two-front war — one in Europe and one in the Pacific. Military veterans of World War II are now in their late 70s and older. Take time to talk to them and have them tell you about World War II.
Hat tip to Lucianne

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